The Americas
James Pegler | August 2, 2017
Cheyenne Women: Crafting and Quillwork
Cheyenne Women were skilled workers that used Quillwork to decorate crafted items. Find out more about Quillwork, and...
James Pegler | July 3, 2017
Garbology and American Waste Culture
What kind of issues is the waste culture of the United States creating for the Environment? The study...
Kristen Callihan | June 26, 2017
Monsanto’s Hired Troll Army and What They’re Trying to Hide
Have you recently seen attacks online defending the safety of Monsanto’s well-known herbicide, RoundUp, or its main ingredient,...
James Pegler | June 23, 2017
The Structural Violence of Hunger
Structural violence is when social structures are set up to hurt or hinder a certain group of people....
James Pegler | June 11, 2017
Brazilian Food Culture
The food of Brazil is an interesting mix of cultures that have come together to create the modern...
James Pegler | June 9, 2017
The Lost City of the Midwest
The ancient lost city of Cahokia that sits right outside of Saint Louis, and is a great place...
Marcus Wade | December 5, 2016
Prohibition history: How people still got alcohol
Happy repeal day! During the prohibition priests were like modern day drug dealers, believe it or not.
Mandy Burkholder | December 4, 2016
The petition for veggie burgers at In-N-Out Burger
It's time fast food burger joints carry veggie burgers, am I right? Let's start with In-N-Out.
Wyatt Redd | November 22, 2016
The story of Thanksgiving isn’t what you think
The story of Thanksgiving involves a bit more genocide than you might've thought.
Kristen Callihan | November 22, 2016
Here’s why a sugar tax could work
Would a sugar tax make people healthier?
Mandy Burkholder | November 8, 2016
Try these exotic South American ingredients for Cook Something Bold Day
To spice up your next meal, try incorporating a few of these South American ingredients to add freshness,...
Marcus Wade | November 1, 2016
Everything you didn’t know about día de los muertos
One of the most iconic celebrations from Mexican culture is their holiday, the Day of the Dead.