James Pegler | July 12, 2017
Functional Fitness and Its Benefits
Functional fitness has become the fitness buzz word in the U.S. lately. What is functional fitness, and why...
James Pegler | June 23, 2017
The Structural Violence of Hunger
Structural violence is when social structures are set up to hurt or hinder a certain group of people....
Kristen Callihan | June 21, 2017
The Subsidizing of America’s Dairy Industry: How it Started & Why Taxpayers are Still Forced to Do It
Got milk? Truth is, whether you do or not, the facts are in and you don’t really need...
Mandy Burkholder | June 7, 2017
Aquaponics might solve world hunger
The solution to solving hunger and saving the environment might have finally been discovered in a suburb of...
Kate Wilke | May 11, 2017
CropBox: Cultivating the future of food
CropBox has discovered the future of food—creating a solution to agricultural waste while also solving the issue of...
Kayla Byerley | January 22, 2017
A week of vegan groceries for $20
People think going vegan is expensive. It turns out that it doesn't have to be. Here's how you...
Kristen Callihan | January 13, 2017
How antibiotic overuse in farm animals may be creating a new public health crisis
Antibiotic overuse in livestock threatens to create new kinds of antibiotic resistant diseases.
Mandy Burkholder | January 10, 2017
How to add more calcium to your vegan diet
While the conception is that dairy products are the best source to find calcium, there are plenty of...
Mandy Burkholder | January 4, 2017
Delicious vegan meat alternatives with recipes
The world of vegan meat alternatives is endless, so it’s sometimes hard to know where to jump in.
Mandy Burkholder | December 29, 2016
A better Gatorade or misleading labeling?
It’s the same sports drink you came to love as a child, but healthier, right? Well, sort of.
Mandy Burkholder | December 25, 2016
Vegan bone broth
A new fad diet is on the rise, but unfortunately it’s impossible for vegetarians and vegans to indulge...
Kristen Callihan | December 6, 2016
Why sugar is the new diet no-no
The goal of many people is to reduce or completely cut sugar out of their diets, which is...