Image: Greenland.com
Hiking clubs are quite popular among fitness buffs and it is likely you have heard about them before. In the unlikely event that you have not, here are a few words of introduction for you. Hiking clubs can mean many things, but mostly they refer to groups of persons who share a common interest in hiking. They are hikers. They hike on a regular basis, say twice or thrice a week. Hikers who belong to a hiking club often hike together as a group.
Hiking together as a group has many advantages. First, having as company the one who shares the passion of hiking with you makes the hike doubly exciting and satisfying. Second, hiking in groups, especially with experienced hikers, means added security. The combined knowledge and experience of the group can be useful to prevent accidents from happening, or for the group to avoid harmful situations.
There is also the so-called long-distance hiking adventure. These hiking trips take you farther from your usual hiking parks or trails. These trips often entail camping or even checking in at hotels. Due to the relative complexity of ensuring that hiking trips of this kind will become rewarding, organizing them are best undertaken by hiking clubs. This also helps lessen the cost by spreading them equitably among those who wish to make it to these trips. In this sense joining hiking clubs becomes important, if not necessary. You can also draw fraternal support from fellow hiking club members in case any of your family members or friends are unable to join you in these trips.
And when you get to the point of weighing the benefits of membership in hiking clubs, keep in mind that hiking clubs are not of exactly the same makeup. For example, they may differ in terms of how they intend to attain their objectives. There are hiking clubs whose members come together only for hiking trips or adventures. There are also hiking clubs that go beyond these activities, like holding meetings as frequently as once a week or once a month. Their agenda in these meetings ranges from exchanging ideas on hiking equipment or accessories, to planning for hiking trips, to fundraising, and many other things. Enterprising hiking clubs have, for instance, went into car washing and vending chicken barbeques to generate funds for their hiking trips. What all this means is that the benefits you may want to derive from joining a hiking club will depend on what mold of hiking clubs attracts you.
There are other considerations you need to remember when you do decide to join a hiking club. Hiking clubs charge membership fees at rates that vary from one club to the other. Be prudent enough to pick the one that suits your budget. Another point is the structure of your daily activities. For example, is it possible for you to make yourself available for weekly or monthly meetings? If this is not, it might work better for you if you join hiking clubs that demand less of your time for activities like meetings. It will not be good for your reputation if you join a hiking club that requires regular meetings among members only to shun them later on. The point of all this is that hiking club members need to develop trust and camaraderie among themselves, so that when they eventually go out hiking, all of them will find the activity fulfilling.
Once you decide to become a hiking club member, it will often be to your advantage if you first consider joining hiking clubs located near your place before you search for them farther afield. It is likely that there are a number of them to choose from in your area. You can access information on hiking clubs near you from the internet, or from people you know who are familiar with hiking. Offices of local hiking parks are likewise good sources of information on existing hiking clubs in your area.
People who may share with your ardor for hiking converge in hiking clubs. It is just natural for you to associate with them through membership in the hiking club of your choice. If by chance no hiking club exist in your area, it may help fill your passion for hiking if you start organizing one yourself.