
Top 20 Caribbean Hikes

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Mastic Trail, Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands are much flatter than their neighbors, with the highest point at sixty feet. On this beautiful two-mile trail be sure to look for the Mangrove Cuckoo, West Indian Woodpecker, Smooth-Billed Ani, Mockingbirds, Caribbean Ground Doves, Bananaquits, and Cayman Parrots.

reptiles on mastic trail cayman islands

Image: Our Dems

Kate Wilke is the content manager at 301brands, and she's the editor of DailyBeautyHack.com, and the lifestyle editor at OhMyVeggies.com. When she's not paddle boarding or skiing, she's informing someone about global warming (or cats) over a local double IPA. Follow her on Instagram — @kateewilke

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