Vegan bone broth

Image: AS Food studio/Shutterstock
A new fad diet is on the rise, but unfortunately it’s impossible for vegetarians and vegans to indulge in. The bone broth diet has gained speed in recent years due to the nutrients in animal bones, which some say help reduce inflammation in the body, as well as support healthy joints, skin, hair, and nails.
What is Bone Broth?
Bone broth is made by cooking down animal bones and leftover tissue for hours in order to extract the nutrients, such as the amino acids glycine and proline. Other nutrients, like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, are also extracted from the bones and tissue over time. All of these nutrients work together to battle inflammation, as well as break down mucus, and provide a huge dose of nutrition all at once. Perfect for someone battling a cold or the flu!
These are obviously great health benefits, so what’s a vegan animal lover supposed to do? Create a vegan version, of course! Because so many plants have the same beneficial properties as animal bones, it’s incredibly easy to whip up your own cruelty-free bone broth recipe with whole food ingredients that are often cheaper than meat. Bonus!
Vegan Bone Broth Ingredients
A few key ingredients to any vegan bone broth recipe are celery, soybeans, seaweed, kale, spinach, and beets, because these plants also have nutrients that help reduce inflammation. And that’s not to mention their alkaline properties, which help lower acid levels within the body (from coffee, alcohol, and sugar). These vegetables also contain plenty of calcium and micronutrients too, which only add to vegan bone broth’s healthful qualities.
Now ask yourself, how could bone broth made from animal products be as nutrient-rich as a plant-based alternative? The simple answer is, it’s not! And you don’t have a guilty conscious to battle with, either! Win-win.
Read below to see some of our favorite vegan bone broth recipes. Each variety has it’s own unique spin on the popular fad, making it easy to sample a different version each and every week. You can even make a huge batch and freeze it for when you feel a cold coming on. Easy cruelty-free wellness!
Created with beets, celery, dried wakame, and miso paste (among other wholesome ingredients), this vegan bone broth by Organic Authority is incredibly hearty and delicious.
Combine shiitake mushrooms, turmeric, coconut oil, ginger, and chili pepper for a substantial and heart warming dish by Wallflower Kitchen.
Stylecaster’s take on vegan bone broth includes garlic, onions, carrots, cilantro, and spirulina steeped together for a flavor-intense alternative to the animal version.
To make One Green Planet’s No-Bone Broth, simply combine onions, cloves, zucchini, carrots, parsnips, and arame with a few other ingredients, and let it all soak together. The liquid smoke adds a unique flavor, as well!
PlenteousVeg’s Vegan Bone Broth claims to rival the paleo version by using healthy ingredients such as seaweed, celery, garlic, ginger, turmeric, miso paste, and caraway seeds.