15 Best Dog Breeds for Hiking Buddies
By Jeremiah Lechler |
Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinschers are some of our favorite dogs, but they have a bad reputation for being aggressive and dangerous. They are, but only when they’re trained to be. Otherwise they’re devoted, loyal, strong, obedient, smart and great companions. The Doberman has some traits similar to the Rhodesian Ridgeback, only easier to train. He’s another great breed to bring along when you’re not going to be hiking near other people, because he will help provide protection in the wilderness.

By: pato garza
Jeremiah Lechler
Jeremiah can change your oil, fix your computer and quote every line from the Star Wars films, like the Renaissance Man that he is. He's the proud parent of two Great Danes and one daughter.
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