Adventure Travel
16 Extreme Places People Actually Live
By Mandy Burkholder |
Dallol, Ethiopia
At least the sulphur hot springs are good for a spa day?

Photo: Achilli Family | Journeys
If active volcanoes and salt flats for miles sounds like heaven, you might want to consider moving in with the locals of Dallol, Ethiopia. The labor of love in this region is seat salt, which is practically the only commodity available in this barren land. And that’s not to mention the smell of rotten eggs emitted by the pools of sulphur deposits.
Mandy Burkholder
Mandy Burkholder is a travel, adventure, and outdoor writer who honed her craft in the foothills of the La Plata Mountains of Southwest Colorado. After a stint in the Swiss Alps, she now resides in Tennessee. Follow her on twitter — @mandyburkhold3r
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