City Travel
One Day in Dubrovnik, Croatia
By Mandy Burkholder |

Photo: Ivan Ivankovic
Dubrovnik rests on the southernmost tip of the coastal country of Croatia. Known for its Byzantine-era fortified city walls, this Unesco World Heritage Site has never been more popular with European and American tourists alike (thanks to the wildly popular television show Game of Thrones, which is filmed there).
Find yourself with only one day to see this stunning city on the Aegean sea? No worries! Follow these tips and you’ll leave knowing you saw the highlights!
Mandy Burkholder
Mandy Burkholder is a travel, adventure, and outdoor writer who honed her craft in the foothills of the La Plata Mountains of Southwest Colorado. After a stint in the Swiss Alps, she now resides in Tennessee. Follow her on twitter — @mandyburkhold3r
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